Make it

Ayurveda, or “the science of life” is primarily about striking a balance, and empowering your internal environment (the body and mind) to work amicably and harmoniously with their external environment. The ancient science highly advocates that living in sync with the seasons is one of the best ways to help support health and wellbeing, helping to balance the immune system, digestive fire, and our state of Doshas.

Just as each person has a predominant dosha, different daily time intervals and different seasons are also governed by a particular Dosha. Spring is closely linked to Kapha, with the qualities of moistness, heaviness, abundance, but also lethargy – and related to the elements of earth and water.

For many, the spring season is also linked with colds, congestion, hay fever, and allergies. A seasonal Ayurvedic routine can help you to overcome the challenges you face during spring, while promoting optimal health so that you can truly celebrate the gifts this season has to offer.

Here are four daily Ayurvedic practices to balance internal clock and striking the perfect balance of health and wellbeing during the spring season.